Friday, September 30, 2005

All I Want for Christmas

... is highlighters. Seriously, I've used up three already, so I'm averaging one per week. Sometimes I'm pretty much just colouring the books.

Carbolic Smoke Ball Formal tonight. The boyfriend arrives tomorrow!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Yuk Yuk's Comedyfest

As one of our last events for social orientation, the student society organized a Yuk Yuk's night for the first years. I've seen one of these shows before in Barrie, and I was a bit disappointed at this one.

Then again, pretty tough crowd. How do you make jokes about law enforcement, politics, or anything else for that matter, in front of 50 elitist kids who would like to think of themselves as intelligent, socially aware, and law-abiding citizens? It's just a no win situation.

Or have I become one of those annoying people who can't be content telling people that I'm a student, but feel compell to add that I'm 'going to law school'. It's like I feel that I have to justify why I'm still living like a kid, and don't have an honest job like everyone else my age. This is my SEVENTH year of university, and two more to go. I get tired just thinking about it.

Monday, September 19, 2005

a sappy forward

Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot,

who calls you back when you hang up on him,

who will stay awake just to watch you sleep.

Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead,

who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats,

who holds your hand in front of his friends,

Wait for the one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you

and how lucky he is to have you.

Wait for the one who turns to his friends and says, "...that's her."

Yeah, it's just a forward, and he doesn't do all those things yet. But at least he is trying, right?

Yes, I'm a romantic fool.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

have you ever found...

I think all the ladies reading this can might know what I am about to describe. Maybe the guys can offer the situation some illumination.

Why is it that when you are in a relationship, all these other guys seem to be interested in you as well? Is it just a male competition thing? Does being in a relationship somehow changes a person's confidence, or just removing that vibe of "I'm single and looking?" Is the chase that much more thrilling if there is already someone else involved? I just don't know, but I'm experiencing the weirdest drama lately.

All of you reading this will no doubt realize just how strange all this sudden attention is making me feel. And having never been approached or hit on really, I have no idea whether an invitation to coffee is just that, or has some cosmic, hidden meaning in the social dating world. Or does arranging for ride for you to a boat cruise count? Is it just first week orientation over-friendliness, a need to make a connection somehow when you are surrounded by strangers, or something else?

I'm glad that I'm already in a relationship, and only need to understand these gestures in an effort to be polite and friendly. I really don't know how to navigate these strange waters if I actually had to figure out what they mean.

p.s. where the hell were all these guys in the past 5 years?!

other news
I played with the Greater Windsor Concert Band last night! It's a community band consisting of about 40 musicians, with about 1/2 of them over 60 and retired, and the other 1/2 around 30-40, and just a handful of younger people. It was so much fun! I haven't played in a proper band since high school, and this is definitely something I want to keep doing as a way to keep my sanity in law school. The old men are so funny too. They were wishing each other good luck on their knee surgeries. Really, no kidding.

Monday, September 12, 2005

from Nikki's blog

Your Birthdate: January 4
Being born on the 4th day of the month should help make you a better manager and organizer. You may be more responsible and self-disciplined than you realize. Sincere and honest, you are a serious and hard working individual.
Your feelings are likely to seem somewhat repressed at times. The number 4 has something of an inhibiting effect on your ability to show and express affections, as feeling are very closely regulated and controlled. You are apt to be much more practical, rational, and conscious of details. There is a good deal of rigidity and stubbornness associated with the number 4.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Curious Optimism

Classes start on Monday, and I'm curiously calm about this whole thing. Of course, that could change very quickly once we actually get going, but for now, reading my Criminal Law Syllabus, I'm oddly elated that the 20% assignment is only a 10 page paper. It is reassuring to have weekly assigned reading, rather than the go-forth-and-venture-yourself that was grad school for me. Professors telling you exactly what to do! What can be nicer than that?

I'm doing some serious thinking about not being involved with cadets this year. I'd made the decision to take at least a year off, but I kinda freaked out and thought I really needed the money when I found out that my mom is giving me the car to take here. I should just trust myself a little more and realize that I can probably get another job that's less time consuming, and that I could possibly be more excited about, or at least not dread. I took fourth year off cadets as well, and perhaps it once again time to give myself a sabbatical from youth work.

I decided to volunteer at the University Human Rights Office. Maybe take on a couple more things. I really want to play in a band again, but I'm pretty out of practice. See what I can find.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

the view from here

This is the view from my rez room. Really, no kidding. Not bad, huh? Today, at our first academic orientation session, the President and Provost of the university gave us a welcome address, followed by the dean. Wow, you know you've made it when you get the Prez. I don't think I saw Peter George once until fourth year at Mac.

Got my schedule today - no class before 10am, and none on Friday! I don't know about my section though. We are divided into groups of 8, who we have all our classes with. My group is 2 guys and 6 girls, including myself, and the some of the girls seem pretty high strung and high maintenance. Oh well, Orientation sometimes make people strange.

I took a two hour walk along the river yesterday, and got pretty sunburnt. Here's a picture of the Detroit downtown skyline. Eve's Bite, on the left bottom corner, is one of the pieces in the sculpture garden on the Windsor side.

Monday, September 05, 2005

young, smart & sexy

I met my law school class for the first time today, and those are the three adjectives that come to mind instantly. Okay, I know that I don't get out much, but I have never seen a more attractive, confident crowd. I met a whole bunch of people whom I'll probably forget by tomorrow, but still, it was fun. There was a few from Mac, and one person even recognized me from my days of working at the student centre admin office, two years ago! Excited about the next 3 years.

Friday, September 02, 2005

pack and go

Wow, did I ever underestimated how much stuff I have to bring! I thought I'd be fine with 3 suitcases. It turns out that 3 suitcases took care of my clothes (note: not including shoes). Okay, okay, so I was, strongly encouraged, to bring everything with me (summer, fall, winter clothing), and I don't have any particular interest in coming back anytime soon. So, lots of stuff: my sax, my trumpet, stationary chest, 2 storage boxes of... stuff, one sports bag of shoes, printer, stereo, rice cooker, diplomas and other stuff to go on the wall, one duffle bag of cadet stuff/uniform parts, etc, etc, etc. Plus laptop, hangers, hairdryer... I just want to be prepared, right? ;)

It's my cousin's birthday tomorrow, so we are going to have a barbecue as a joint b-day/farewell party for him/me. I'm going to aim to leave by 8:30 Sunday morning. Getting excited about school (yes, I know I'm a geek).

Thursday, September 01, 2005

new phone

Here it is, my brand new LG2000. I don't need a camera at all (considering I just brought a digital one this summer), but the rest of them are either ugly or too expensive. I realize that I cannot live without the flip function, because without it, I don't have an 'escape button' (by flipping it close and reopening) to get back to the main screen when I get lost, which was what was frustrating me the most about the other phone yesterday. I had to keep turning it off and on. Crazy, I know. By even cell phone use is habit forming, right?


Sorry, let me clarify:

Rob booked a flight for Windsor in October, to come see me.

On other news:

I dropped my phone in water yesterday. Totally fired. I'm so sad, 'cuz I really liked my Sony Ericson z200. So I went out and got the cheapest replacement I could find, which was a Siemen A65. But that phone is like working in MS Dos. So I'm going to return it and go for something today.