Thursday, November 23, 2006

Religion Fair

Today was the culmination of this event that I've been working on all term. My sister made that poster for me (in about 2 seconds). The event went off really well, even though it wasn't too big. Had lots of good conversations with students, and very civil and cordial participants who were all eager to learn more about each other. It's a good day when you can have a Wiccan booth next to the Buddhist, next to the Christmas, next to the Muslim.

Monday, November 20, 2006

blogger beta

I just switched to blogger beta. Not sure what the difference is, except things are put in different places now. Currently flooded with end of term papers. Mark on your calendars that I've having a birthday dinner Jan 5th. Plenty of notice - no excuses from anyone!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Something Good

Finally. I got selected to represent the school in the Laskin Moot Competition. It's like a supervised study, which culminates in a competition instead of an exam or paper. Super excited. More details to follow.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

It's Official

I only look good on paper.

After two more exhausting interviews in Toronto, that I thought went well, I still don't have a job. As least one of the firms had the courtesy to call and tell me that. I don' t know what to do - why don't people like me once they meet me in person?

Monday, November 06, 2006

movie talk

I want to see Stranger_than_Fiction. I don't like Will Ferrell much, but he won me over as Ricky Bobby. I know the buzz is all over Borat, but, seriously? I remember hearing some critical acclaim over Babel, but mostly, I like my entertainment light and fluffy.