Friday, April 25, 2008

Another Adventure

I have scored another year-abroad adventure. Well, okay, no. I'm just going to be living in Edmonton for a year; which, is pretty much another country.

So at the 11th hour, the day after writing my last exam, I got an articling position with a fantastic firm, after a mere 35mins phone interview, with 7 people on the other end. The irony is, I've done 15 interviews already, most of them dressed in my sharpest suits, and the job I get? I interviewed for sitting on my bed, in jeans and a T-shirt.

Now that the stress and decision-making and paper tossing, confirm and re-confirm etc is mostly over, I'm really looking forward to it. I have a few friends out there, and of course the Cold Lake crowd will ease the transition for me, at least over the summer. The work is going to be incredible. Even though I've never seriously considered criminal defence before, it fits with the constitutional/adminstrative/litigation and Charter interest that I have, so it should be pretty awesome. It's not Vancouver, but closer than I'd be from here.

All my friends out West - hope this means I'll get to see you much more in the next year!

p.s. oh yeah, I'm done Law School!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

it's not always rainbows & butterflies

... but sometimes it feels like it. =)

Had the best date I've had in, well, years last night. It's good when boys go be in the army for 3 years, does a tour in Afghanistan, and just basically grow up in an intervening 8 years. Too early to call where it is headed, but it's nice to dream.

Now I need to sit still for 10 days and write exams.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

what's next?

In the past couple years, my life has changed for the better come April. From getting into law school (2005), find my first law-related summer job (2006), getting a research assistantship (2007), it has been ridiculously stressful, or I'd have made contingency plans, but everything ended up working out with Plan A in April. I hope that this year will be no exception, and that I will soon be able to say what I will be doing for the next year or so.

On Friday we had a Grad Breakfast, the first in a series of what I'm sure will be bittersweet endings. Tomorrow will be my last days of classes. Wow. I can sort of feel the tip of the iceberg of emotions associated with that, but it hasn't hit me yet. I have been in school since I was 3, and that was a long time ago. And finally, FINALLY, I am going to be moving on to another stage of my life.

I find it hard to be scared or upset during these last couple sunshine days, even though nothing has changed. I find it difficult to sit down and write my last paper, but that's of course nothing new. I have a map of the world on my wall and I find myself staring at it often, wondering what adventures lie ahead for me. I look at my exam schedule, and can barely bring myself to care. Not that it will be a throw-away thing. I know I will do the job, and there is just very little anxiety associated with exams now, after so many years.

So, what's next?