Monday, September 24, 2012

vision perfect

For someone who has worn glasses since grade six (and that's only because I refused them at grade five), laser eye surgery seems like a miracle. I can't believe how many times a day I spent thinking about when to put on/remove contacts, where my glasses are,  and all those minute details association with corrected vision, until I am struck repeatedly with the realization now that I just need my eyes!  This is not to say those 3 minutes until the blinking lights were not the stuff for sci-fi horror, but the near instantaneous improvement on the quality of my life makes me wonder why I waited so long.  With new eyes I now take stock of my life. 

Sunday, September 02, 2012

another day another destiny

Sometimes life just turns on a dime.  Things you wished for, hoped for, prayed for, can fall on your lap in one second, or become what you still want, but would much rather not have just right at this minute.  I am getting restless, and the chance to move again has presented itself.  But my life now is a far cry from the 30-day notice, last month's rent already paid scenario.  Grown up can't just pick up and move.  At least, not responsibly.  That is not to say that this move won't happen, if I can help it.  But it can't happen instantly, and it can't happen without considerable planning and preparing of my whole family.

Thinking seriously about getting laser eye surgery.  Actually went for a consult today.  I have been wearing glasses since this time eons ago, as I was about to start grade 6.  What would life be with perfect vision?

Be careful what you wish for, as they say.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

More To Say

It's been a long time, but I find myself drawn back to this.  Life has changed irrevocably since the last post, for the better of course; what else could your first child bring?  From hopes and dreams come little feet running, sly grins and splattered food from the high chair.  I have been in the ranks of the working mom for almost a year now; it gets easier at some point, right?  As sleep overtakes my heavy lids at night though, a final thought drifts through:  if I never get anything else in this life, I would count myself blessed.