Monday, July 26, 2004

There was this crazy storm last night that threatened to uproot the trailer-barracks we were sleeping in, but the lightning show was fantastic.  Literally it looked like a seen from a scary movie, backlighting humungous clouds.  Plus, I got someone to watch it with. 

One week
So one of my friends here said to me, "Do you know what day it is?".  And I said, "Christmas?" (next para).  And he goes, "No, it's one week.  At least Rob says so".  I think it's pretty high school to celebrate one week, but it is also kinda sweet for him to mention it to others.  Apparently his Band Staff suggested going out for an ice cream cake to celebrate our one week.  And of course, when others heard about it, they gave us a hard time.

Christmas in July
This is a camp tradition.  We exchange gifts, sing Christmas carols, and even have a turkey dinner in the mess, so celebrate 'Christmas', and usually half way through camp.  My flight made a card for me, and my staff got me a card plus a candle to help light our way, erasers to remind us that no one is perfect, aromatherapy to help reduce stress, and a box of Goldfish cookies to refill my stash.  It was great.  The officer staff also cleared the plates for the cadets after our dinner.  A nice bit of servanthood leadership.

One day leave
I took today off as one of my 3 days of leave, and it's nice to relax  and catch my breath.  Plus, it's beautiful, windy fall weather today after the storm, so it's actually not too hot to hang out in my barracks even, during the day.  I'm going to go get a haircut and go shopping in the afternoon. 

I hope everyone's summer is going well.  Jasmine, if you are reading this, send me an email.  I can't get mine through to you.


Anonymous said...

hey Michelle... it's aziz... i got your blog link from Simone... i'm also with xanga (BonerLombardi in case u're wondering who that is on Simone's blog)... but u have a super nice site here... extremely aesthetically pleasing...

glad to hear u're starting a new relationship and having what seems like a good time... exciting times it is for u... i take it u're at Air Cadet Camp? in Trenton?

- aziz

m_whiz said...

Hey Aziz! Nice of you to drop by my site. How are things going? I'm in Cold Lake, Alberta this summer!