Saturday, September 04, 2004

Getting to Okay

To anyone who might have been wondering about the last two posts, things have definitely turned a corner. So it's, like the title suggests, 'getting to okay'. Don't really want to dwell on it, so it's not something I really want to talk about right now. Eventually though, I'll tell the story to anyone interested.

no, not me
I can't believe it, but I am going to be one of those Math Teachers at Chinese School that kids love to hate so much. Yup, that's right. For the next year, you will find me teaching a bunch of Chinese kids mathematics on Saturday mornings from 9am-10am. My way of, uh, giving back to the Chinese community. Yeah, sure, whatever. It is a paid position though, so I guess I shouldn't complain.

Going back to the squadron where spent five years growing up as a kid, and left five years ago. Working there as an officer now is going to be interesting, to say the least.

Hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend. Or, as I'd like to call it, the calm before the storm. ;)


Anonymous said...

hey Michelle, hope things look up for u soon... here's to better days... if there's anything i can do to help (ie. be a party removed from a situation u want to use as a sounding board), please don't hesitate to ask...

i've always wondered what Chinese school is like... i'm probably too old and stupid to go now... ah well... i'll just hafta dream about it from now on...

- aziz

Anonymous said...

Hey, give me a shout if you want to take your mind off things. I'm the queen of the cheer-up. Wanna go to Ben's party? Parties are always fun times.

Chinese school?! I have oh so many memories of waking up early every Saturday morning to attend. Which one are you teaching at? I went to one in Scarborough called Man Seng. I don't know why, but I'm going through a nostalgic phase and flipping through year books. Going through the science centre one brought back some fun memories. Man, I'm getting old.


Anonymous said...
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m_whiz said...

A> thanks - I'm good for now, but I'll keep the offer in mind.

Chinese school is what makes Chinese kids bitter, and miss out of growing up with fun, under the cultural myth of preserving a heritage. There is no reason to hold on to something that was never a part of you! (most kids are born here, and have never had Chinese at day school). Don't dream about it - it's nasty! ;)

S> I did not receive an invite for Ben's party, so not sure if I should crash it. When is it anyway?

I'm teaching at Mon Sheung. Those poor, poor kids.

Yearbooks are awesome. And old photo albums.

Anonymous said...

Hey Michelle,

Ben told me he sent you one, but it's prolly to an old email address. I'll forward you mine. it's this saturday in kitchener and he seems pretty anxious about your reply or lack of one. I think he really wants us to come so try to.

m_whiz said...

Is there anything that Ben's *not* anxious about? =) I'm starting a new job, so I've got to figure out my schedule. I'll let you know on Friday night whether I can go or not. How are you getting there?