Wednesday, September 29, 2004


It's been over a week, so at some point, I've just got to decide to move on and stop thinking about it. Thanks to everyone for listening and for advice - I really appreciate both. Though for now I don't have plans to fly out, I'll keep you guys posted if that changes. I'm done being mad, frustrated, confused, hurted, disappointed. Just a little sad, but very, very grateful to have so many fantastic people in my life.

Test on Saturday. AH!! Actually, I'm not really that worked up about it. Maybe I'm just been otherwise preoccupied, or just have written a bunch of standardized tests, or just don't really think I'll get into a law program. Anyway, whatever is suppose to happen, will happen.

I really had no idea how much work goes into running such a seemingly relaxed place. I really like it though. I learned how to set up a display table today. Obviously, it's not rocket science. But it's really fun. I also got to decorate a wall/shelf with Halloweeny kids stuff. Feeling a little spooky? I'm going help run a Halloween program there too, on the Friday before.

My cousin just got his G1, and so I took him driving around the neighbourhood when he got home from school. He is not bad at all, and surprisingly careful for a 16 year old guy. We even did traffic lights and a three point turn =)

For Fun
Quiz Me
Michelle Kai was
a Sweet Rocket Scientist
in a past life.

Discover your past lives @ Quiz Me


Anonymous said...

I was a creative Greek God!


m_whiz said...

Ha! Remember that bs Science I Inquiry course we did on the Greek gods? hehe - easiest 10 I've ever gotten.

Anonymous said...

if i type in Aziz Haque, it says i was a patient donkey... aw man... i can't believe i was a donkey... but if i type in Azizul Haque (my full name), it says i was a helpless acrobat... i guess that's better... not nearly as cool as a sweet rocket scientist or creative Greek God though...

- aziz

m_whiz said...

oh aziz, I can so see you as a patient donkey! ;)