Monday, October 04, 2004

dumb gene

One of my friends from this summer was driving from Montreal to Vancouver, and stopped by here to visit with people from camp. It was really nice to catch up and see what everyone has been up to for the past month since going home. Then she asks, "How's Calgary?"


So, (I know this is bad), in a moment of weakness, I sent him a text message yesterday. Just a "I miss you". And a couple of hours later, he sends back "I miss you too". Ouch, ouch, ouch. I know I should have just left well enough alone, but now...

Why do we do such stupid things in relationships? Why do we always have the answers when it's our friends or sisters involved, but fail to be level-headed and rational at all when it comes to our own? It's like the scenarios that you yell at your TV for, telling the character not to go through with self destructive acts. Is love the catalyst that turns on the dumb gene?

Such a relief for that to be done. I was physically in pain sitting and writing for that many hours. I feel pretty good about it, and I guess I'll find out in 3 weeks whether my euphoria is justified.

Doing an overnight shift to set up new promotion displays. Should be interesting.


Anonymous said...

What is that supposed to mean? 3 little words that can be so vague. I miss you, I want you back? I miss you, but it's better off this way? I miss you, is there still a chance? How is anyone supposed to discern?


m_whiz said...

the plausible deniability is part and parcel of being passive/aggressive