Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Couldn't Do It

I thought I was doing the right thing, but I was deeply unhappy after making that decision. So I chose another course.

I broke up with him.

I hope that this time, it's really the right thing. As right as something can be when you make someone cry...


Anonymous said...

Be strong.

Princess_Nikki said...

He will be ok. You will be ok. And you have to think - how happy could you have made him, if you were unhappy yourself? It really is for the best. I really think you made the best decision for your heart and your head. It really is true that sometimes love just isn't enough.

walekim said...

Sorry for my lack of faith in your previous decision. However, I do have faith that you will be okay. Just take it easy, concentrate on your books, friends and band. Carpe Diem, and don't be sorry for yourself.

Anonymous said...

I see blogs like "The Story To Your Life" and I hope that this doesn't become a dark chapter in your story but a chapter of self-expansion.