Sunday, October 16, 2005

Do What You Must In Love

My band played at the 100th anniversary of the Leamington United Church this morning, and the service was radio-broadcasted (which makes me feel a little bad about missing a few sharps, but hey, I was sightreading the entire repetoire!)

So this morning I took a glorious drive in the sun and breeze for about40 mins to get there. And the sermon was that we all have difficult decisions to make in life, that God is not going to make them for us, but will still be there to pick up the pieces when we mess up. A lot of times, we have to choose between the greater of two goods; but more often, the lesser of two evils, perhaps. The line the resonated with me the most was the reverend's only guidance in making those tough choices: Whatever it is that you must do, do it in love. Not the romantic, sentimental kind, but in a selfless, unconditional way.

I needed to hear that message very badly this morning, as I was ready to break someone's heart. And now that I have made a choice, he may never know how difficult the decision was for me. But I chose him, and at least bruised another's heart instead. I don't know if it was the right decision, and I'm not sure that it isn't too trivial for divine intervention.


Princess_Nikki said...

I think you may have just convinced me to start going to church.

Anonymous said...

He was thanking me last night. I didn't know why, but it was for being me. I thought something bad had happened. Love all around.

walekim said...

I was told that I think too much in love.

I have just seen proof that I am not alone, but today you seemed to advanced to another level. Selflessness. However, I wonder if your choice is wise.

Is pure love enough in a romantic relationship? I wonder about it myself, and I am sure someone else is thinking of the same question now.