Tuesday, December 26, 2006
getting laid-over
Friday, December 22, 2006
I forgot pants
- to pack pants. mere tops are not sufficient, even if it's still above zero here
- to water or bring home my plants
- to pay rent
I am sure more will hit me on the way, but for now I'm just happy to say that I'm halfway done law school!
Saturday, December 16, 2006
xmas in the apt
This is the gingerbread house, with part of the left roof already chewed off.
These are the GingerPeople who live in the house.
These are leftover candies:
And this if our tree! In case you are wondering, there is a Jagermeister blinky light hanging on it. The rest of the decorations are Homies from $1 machines. They are hung with elastic bands around (unfortunately) their necks. On the top is a fat guy sitting on a couch eating a drumstick. I couldn't get a picture of sufficient resolution of him to show though. Happy Holidays!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
new notebook!
Sunday, December 03, 2006
losing sight
OT: in Toronto for the week studying for exams, plus hunting for a new laptop. Mine decided to not show me anything on the screen anymore, and only occasionally charge.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Religion Fair

Monday, November 20, 2006
blogger beta
Friday, November 10, 2006
Something Good
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
It's Official
After two more exhausting interviews in Toronto, that I thought went well, I still don't have a job. As least one of the firms had the courtesy to call and tell me that. I don' t know what to do - why don't people like me once they meet me in person?
Monday, November 06, 2006
movie talk
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
Not Knowing
I feel that the bar keeps getting set higher and higher, and I am starting to doubt my ability to keep clearing it. It is not that I have never experienced failure before; of course I have. But now things that really matter are harder to accomplish, and many things are a lot scarier than they are or should be.
Faith is about believing without knowing though, right? So I've gotta believe that it'll be okay, and both sunshine and rain lie always ahead.
Friday, October 20, 2006
No Dice
The boy is being extra supportive and sweet though. He sent flowers to my hotel in Vancouver! It's one year soon. =)
Friday, October 13, 2006
not me
I can't work there.
I realized today just how not cut out I am for private practice. The firm specializes in 'recovery', meaning they represent all the banks in Canada to kick people out of their houses when they default on their mortgage payments. Farmers who put up their houses as collaterals are out of luck with this bunch should their farm fails.
I don't think corporations, banks, insurance companies, etc don't deserve top notch legal representation. Their causes are no less just even though it's profit-oriented. They need and have fantastic people doing their work.
I just can't stomach it.
Which puts a lot more pressure on for this Dept of Justice interview on Monday in Vancouver for me. If I don't get a job with the government, I don't know what I'd want to do instead. I don't even know if I'd want to practice law then. I don't mean to sound dramatic, but I owe it to myself to be who I'm meant to be. And that's not easy with the very definition of success in the entire field seems to be business law in a national firm.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
more news
Hopefully something will magically transform itself into a job. =)
Monday, October 02, 2006
Interviews Baby!!
THE COOLEST NEWS EVER: Department of Justice Vancouver granted me an interview!!!
So I'll be flying out there the weekend of Oct 14th. I'm so freakin' excited.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
freaky weekend
Saturday is the end-of-orientation Carbolic Smoke Ball, and I've managed to convince my boyfriend to go. The event was our first 'date' last year. The one that he took me too, and didn't find out that I had a boyfriend at the time until we were in a cab on the way there. Yeah. =) Anyway, we had a little meltdown a couple days ago, but things are good now, and it's been 11 months, which makes it the longest relationship I've never been in. Sad ('cuz I'm 24!) but true.
Sunday, we are planning on checking out a town in Michigan called Birch Run. Apparently the town is basically a huge outlet mall, with a village that's Christmas year 'round. Shopping is therapeutic and nerve-calming, right?
The way it looks right now, I will be in Toronto for 3 of the 4 weekends in October, between Thanksgiving, a conference planned by my friend at Mac, and a field training exercise for cadets. One of those might have to go, and I'm feeling that it might have to be the last, though it pains me. For someone still on slate, I haven't done much at all for the squadron lately. In my defence, it's 4 hours away.
I'll have news Tuesday, hopefully, good or devastating. Keep you posted.
p.s. my thoughts are with you, Nikki.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
The Good & the Bad
My sister has just been offered a full time job at Matchstick after working there on contract. Yay!
The Bad
My grandmother in Shanghai passed away last night. Not really close to her, but still.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
no interviews
We find out about the Toronto firms at the end of the month. What if I don't get any interviews then either? What am I going to do? I don't want to be one of those third-years still looking for articles at this time next year. I've applied to 19 Vancouver firms and 27 Toronto ones. Surely someone will want to hire me for next summer?
Friday, September 08, 2006
back to school!
My sister's got new digs. I hear there is a party going on there next week. I summoned all my engineering skills and built an IKEA bookcase for her.
Last Saturday, I moved my cousin to Bates Hall at Mac, on the most miserable, thunderstorming day possible Of course the line up for room keys took an hour, and then we had to go to Wal-Mart to get some more stuff. He seems excited to be there though, which is good. Afterwards, I met up with my friend and her finance at Mississauga for dinner. They brought a house together! I feel so young.
Relationship Dilemma du jour
How pissed am I allowed to get if he asks me whether he can go visit his ex's parents, because he misses them?
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Last Day at Work!
Going to T.O. for the weekend before school starts again.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
God is a Cornrolled Head
I was there with my aunt and cousins, possibly my mom and grandmother, and I kept running straight to where the bomb is (it’s at the conductor’s stand in the concert hall), and seeing how it turns out. Everyone watches in tense anticipation for the divers to go into this heavy water tank, to deactivate the thing shaped like a giant black woman’s head with cornrolls. I guess we figure that there is no point is running, ‘cuz if the bomb goes off, we will all be dead anyway. So I’m pretty high up, and at the most intense moment, I threw a poker chip into the other tank (the one the divers weren’t in), and the crowd gasped and stared at me. But the divers went into the other tank to retrieve that chip, and then deactivated the bomb successfully this time. I believe it had to do with the timing and delay because they were retrieving my chip. The woman’s head thing rose out of the water, and somehow we knew it was God. The crisis is over, and people jumped into the heavy water tank to swim in jubilation. I hugged my cousin and said to the younger one, “Remember this day forever”.
I’ll let you draw your own conclusions as to how wacked my brain is.
The other day, I was biking and approaching a Don't Cross sign flashing (yeah, I was biking on the sidewalk), but when I zoomed into the intersection, the sign changed back to Green for Crossing. Ever since then I've been thinking that I have super powers.
Friday, August 18, 2006
What If PMS is Who We Really Are?
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
I wish I'd listen to the Hitchhiker
Thursday, August 10, 2006
introspection only kills lysosomes
The thing is, I would never not article,or use my law degree ‘in a variety of other fields”. Give me a break. I paid the bucks and did my time, I want every prestige and reward I can afford.
I looked at the McGill, Western and UT career services websites, and they say to do a ‘self-assessment’ to see where you might fit well. And as I think back, the things that I still define myself by are not that different than in high school. wtf? This is two degrees, a commission, and three cities later. I guess we all start developing our identifies in those turbulent teenage years. And there are things fundamental to us that do not change and blah, blah, blah. I still have faith that I will turn out to be who I’m meant to be, but maybe it’ll take longer than I thought if I haven’t grown all that much than from when I’m 17. Okay, I’d like to think I’m wiser now, and more experienced, and totally not like that frosh who is going to arrive on campus bright-eyed bushy-tailed in 3 weeks, and of course I am sure that I am not that person anymore, but who am I now? I’ve still got two more years of school to go. I like school, but maybe that’s ‘cuz I don’t know anything different, and boring summer experiences are not an indication of anything. I think I can do well in law. I just want to start doing it now. Or never, if that'd not what I'm suppose to be doing.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
talk with dad
Had a really good conversation with my dad though. We almost didn't speak for a year after I made the decision to go to law school. Not really by design, we just don't talk much, and I've avoided even those few opportunities that have presented themselves. Anyway, he asked about my studies and work and life, and I told him a little about course selection and my boyfriend, so it was a good start. I know this sounds ridiculous, but interacting with my dad is a little like interacting with an ex for me. I'd send emails, and won't get any responses; but when he does talk to me, I'm all excited and blogging about it. No wonder my social skills with the opposite sex is wacked.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
for a good smoothie

I am taking this Thursday and Friday off for a seminar in Toronto called Preparing to Practice in the Vancouver Bar. Then it's long weekend, so another mini-vacation for me. Then when I come back, it'll just be three weeks 'til school starts. Can't wait. I've got two part-time jobs for the fall, maybe another if I take on cadets again. We shall see.
My boyfriend's parents put up this mesh around our balconey for us, to keep out the pigeons, so now it looks like we live in a birdcage. What's worse, the little buggers still find a way to get in, but have no idea how to get out now. I've duct-taped everything I can reach, so hopefully I won't be coming back to starved bird carcass next Monday.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
back to reality
Did the rest of my course selection this morning. I'm taking (for anyone interested): Torts, Freedom of Religion, Constitutional Litigation and Public International Law in the Fall, and Family Law, Business Association, Child and the Law, Commercial Law: Sales and... oh God, I've forgetten what the last one is already. Oh yeah - Civil Procedure. I figure I'll take a lighter Fall term to make time for all the summer applications that will be due, plus to recover from the summer. I know I just came back from vacation, but four months of the office is really taking its toll. Anyway, I'm sure I'll be crying about having to write five exams next April.
Things are great at our little apartment. I think me being away for a week gave us both some space and perspective, and a chance to miss each other. When you are realize you can't be away from each other for a week, it gives some more defined shape of what the future holds. =)
Friday, July 21, 2006
More later.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
One more day
I've finished all my assigned work (mostly - some stuff I just don't know where to file), and my boss is away on vacation, so I just need to make it through tomorrow, and hit the road on sweet, sweet Saturday. Let me know if you are in town/free.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
this life is taking its toll on me
Is it just human nature that we want what we can't/don't have? I remember the hell that was last summer, yet I want to go back for more. Not more hell, but everything except that gruesome relationship was good. I want to complain about the heat instead of sitting in an air-conditioned office typing. I want to work with people instead of files.
Is it awful to say that this is almost exactly what I want from life? Almost. So close that if you don't look too intently, it's almost exactly it. I could have gone to England this summer, or done an intensive one month of French immersion at U of Sask, and then headed off to camp like always, and made more money that way. But instead I'm here doing a job that I really, really hope is going to help my career. I remember making a decision like this once, turning down being a returning staff cadet to Cold Lake, and going on Power instead, and that didn't work so well. Why can't I stop my obsessive-compulsively planning and scheming and just live a little?
Is it awful to say that he is almost exactly who I want? Are the little things just details that you learn to compromise with to have mostly what you want, or is it pointing to something more fundamentally wrong? We were talking about future goals, and he said that he will not move to Toronto just so I can work on Bay Street. We both want to go to Vancouver, and I want to work for the government, so it shouldn't even be an issue. But just the finality he said that with; I guess I have my answer, should I ever have to make that choice. And yesterday, my sister is going on vacation and asked me to watch her dog, and when I mentioned it to him, he goes, "You didn't say yes already, did you? I live here too". Again, not a big deal 'cuz I didn't promise my sister, but weren't we talking about getting a dog about a month ago? And why does he think that he should always come first between my family and I? I understand he lives there too - I just thought he'd be more open to the idea of me helping out my sister if she needed. Which is what essentially the Bay Street discussion was about. I have responsibilities to my parents, to providing for them, and I think 'living your dream' is a luxury, one that he can afford because his parents are retired and self-sufficient and don't depend on him to take care of them after he graduates. Again, just little things, but it drives me nuts.
Life is a battle for me, but a joyride for him.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Monday, June 26, 2006
My Pig Personality
You drew your pig:
Toward the middle of the frame, you are a realist.
Facing front, you are direct, enjoy playing devil's advocate and neither fear nor avoid discussions.
With few details, you are emotional and naive, you care little for details and are a risk-taker.
With 4 legs showing, you are secure, stubborn, and stick to your ideals.
The size of the ears indicates how good a listener you are. You are a GREAT listener.
The size of the tail indicates how good is your sex life. You have a good sex life.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Point Pelee

In an act of spontaneity that rarely hits an 'old married couple' like us (we are extremely boring people), we decided to drive to Point Pelee after work yesterday. It's about an hour away, and the cool, evening breeze made it a pleasant drive. Once there, we discovered that the shuttle bus that takes us to the actual southern tip of Canada had stopped running for the night. So we decided to hike the 2.5km to the tip, and it was totally worth it.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
I stand corrected
So bored - it's ridiculously hot out. I think I need to go shopping.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
I am lost
I don't understand it. Everything is great, yet I'm not sure whether I'm trying to convince myself that I'm happy or that I am not. My sister once asked me whether this was my Great Love. That was another time and in another relationship, but still I wonder: do I want passion or security? I don't doubt that we care a great deal about each other, but is this the 'til-death-do-us-part kind of love? And if it isn't, should that be a deterrent in continuing the relationship? I think the trouble is that I have a roadmap for my life, and I seem to be (unfairly) just trying to audition guys for that complementary role so I can have my happily ever after shortly after graduation, and my 2.3 kids preferably before I'm 32. I want the SUV and the picket fence. Do I want him?
I don't know where this doubt is coming from. Nothing has changed between us. I just seem to be allergic to happiness, and have never learned contentment. I could blame this on an X who really screwed up my perspective on relationships. But it might be easier just to blame myself.
We were listening to a recording of Siyahamba at band practice today, and I just feel lost.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Good Weekend
Friday, June 09, 2006
birthday & marks
We also got our first year marks yesterday. I was hoping for two A's, but alas, it was not to be. Just one for Constitutional. However, I was shocked that I somehow managed a B+ in Criminal, which means that I must have begged, borrowed or stolen an A on that final exam. You just never know with these things. Oh well, good enough, I guess. Totally beat my boyfriend though. ;)
Going to Toronto this weekend for 110 Annual, and my mom's birthday.
Friday, June 02, 2006

After me asking - well, more like begging - for a week, we went to the SPCA after work yesterday. That's where we met Chip. How cute is he! He's a one year old stray who's never been trained, so he's a little ADHD. But fun. So for all his whining and reluctance, guess who liked the dog better? (We haven't adopted him, btw, but thinking about it)
Are we ready for a dog? Probably not. I know it's a big responsibility. And when dishes and laundry can be points of contention, taking care of another living being is not such a good idea. But there is an appeal to having some thing together, joint custody if you will. Want to feel grown up - that we have responsibilities. That we can establish some permanence to the relationship.

Don't get me wrong. Despite all my complaining here, things are going well between us. Surprisingly so, considering I haven't lived with anyone else in a while, and never a significant other. I don't want to make him feel like he is auditioning for some role of future whatever with me, but I also want to know that the possibility is there, and real. I want to feel that we are ready for the responsibility, even if it's not practical or realistic right now.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Heat Wave
I've been having a series of dreams about getting arrested, and me trying to explain to the police that I can't have a record, 'cuz I'm a law student. I guess the trauma of being pulled over by a cruiser is finally beginning to take its toll.
I read on the Globe that the last TTC strike was in 1999, and I clearly remember it. I was going to the Ontario Science Centre Science School for a semester at the time, and my mom came to pick me up but then left without me when I took too long. So I waited there for 2 hours for her to get home and then get back there 'cuz I couldn't take a bus home. (sigh) high school memories.
Friday, May 26, 2006
eyes only
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Monday, May 22, 2006
Virtual Apartment Tour, Part 2

This is my room. Shimmering bedskirt still in place, Rug of ants from IKEA. My desk is off to the left, just out of sight. My TV on his dresser that we share.
The living room, with another TV. Mostly his furniture, but of course, my X-Files poster.
The kitchen, his head poking around the corner, where his desk is. The thing on the right is the fridge door. We have an appliance table beside the counter, with toaster, coffee maker, rice cooker and toaster oven. The microwave sits on top of his filing cabinet.
Hope you enjoyed the tour. That couch in the living room is a pull out bed, so let me know if you want to visit! =)
Kincardine's Most Wanted

Yup, that's right, that's me. To say the weekend was eventful would be a gross understatement. Let me tell you about my grand adventure of Victoria's Day weekend.
Friday - after a full week of work, the boy really wanted to get up to his parents' cottage that night, and still he volunteered to drive, I can't really complain. So we went. Interesting, the most direct route Kincardine from Windsor is through Michigan I-94 E. We took the Ambassador Bridge, which is practically right outside our apartment. Right away, we were selected by a 'random computer selection' to have the car searched. How random it is, I cannot say. But let's just say the waiting room was disproportionately non-white. Anyway, it didn't take long, and we were on our way. When we cross back into Ontario at Port Huron-ish, we were going to stop for dinner. But nothing really appealed, so we kept going, and only stopped for gas. So by 10pm, we were about 5 minutes away from the cottage, and a police crusier pulled us over. Headlight out. Okay, no problem. Check license. Fine. Check registration. Not fine. Turns out that when we brought the car at the end of the lease last year, the license plate was not re-attached to the car at the Ministry of Transport. So, the car was declared unfit in front of the Kincardine Tim Horton's, and TOWED to the local police station. His mom came to pick us up where the police lights are.
Sat: a glimpse of hope - the MOT office is open 'til noon, rather than not 'til Tuesday as expected. But in order to reattached the plates on, we need a safety and emissions test. It's already 11:30am, and the person working (the office is the front part of her home) is going away from the weekend, so she might get back in time on Monday to get me on the road again, if I can get the safety test. Off to Canadian Tire. No appointment. I begged. Okay, 1pm. Call the police station to release the car - no one there. When two officers arrived, they let us drive to Canadian Tire. Yeah, not so unfit. Anyway, did the test, did not pass. Front exhaust pipe leaking. Oh God. Estimate for repairs, $400 plus parts. And the part needs to come from Owen Sound, if they have it, which of course, no one will know 'til Tuesday.
So basically, his parents took charge is give us one of their cars to drive back. Of course my mom freaked. We are going back next weekend to hopefully get my car back and return his parents.
Will post pictures later.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
grey's anatomy
Went to the Somerset Collection Mall in Troy, MI on Sunday. Think Yorkdale, but even more upscale. More like Boca Raton. Saks Fifth Avenue, Cartier, William-Sonoma, and lots others that you can see but wish they'd knock a couple zeros off the price tag. Got a long skirt from Eddie Bauer, and the boyfriend got some work clothes there too, with the extraordinary and flaming help of one of the sales associates. I convinced him to get a green stripe shirt, to get away from his usual blue/grey/black. He went to the Tools concert last night in Detroit. Needless to say, I wasn't there.
Continues. I'm starting to remember how tiring working is. But school is tiring too. I'd rather be school-tired though. I'm that kind of geek.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
forgot to blog about this
My boyfriend's sick, and we don't know what's wrong with him. He was on an IV on Sat night, and had x-rays and ultrasounds, but still no idea of how to fix him. He went to his first day at work on Monday, and stayed home yesterday and today. And why is it that I am so annoyed by this?
I know he is sick - I'm just not a compassionate person, nevermind girlfriend. It takes a lot for me to miss work, and I don't think he'd hit that threshold of pain. I'm a terrible person. I guess maybe part of it is just that I want to get our new apartment sorted out, and I want to do fun things after work, and not sit quietly so as to not disturb his fits of naps.
Why am I like this? I wasn't neglected as a child or unsympathetic to the plight of human suffering. I just hate weakness. And anything that requires me to be extra nice, the babysitting/homemaker type girlfriend. Take your pills and go to work! I know, I'm going to rot in hell.
Monday, May 08, 2006
only summer students...
- legal research
- filing
- drafting contracts
- delivering letters
- photocopying
- filing claims at the court house
and my favourite assignment so far: draw one-inch lines in stenopads that the lawyer uses as docket timesheets instead of the computer like any other normal person.
They don't pay me enough.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
my idea of clean
Feeling much like bad_captain does. Mixture of fear, relief, anticipation, exhaustion; readjusting to life that doesn't require you to read until your eyes bleed. I guess it's a good thing that I start work on Monday, so I won't have much time to get too bored. Still, university towns are not that much fun to be in during the summer, when all your friends are gone.
Blockbuster is having a two used DVD for $20 sale, and I got my copy of RENT and Pride and Prejudice. Probably the best two movies I saw this past year. I like The Corpse's Bride too, but that movie has baggage because of who I saw it with. Do we ever escape our past? Not if they still leave weird messages at the middle of the night for you.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Friday, April 21, 2006
so, not going to be a criminal lawyer
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Exams: Ten Things I Hate About You
9. you make me doubt my intelligence, self-worth, and reason for existing
8. you ruin the coming of spring
7. you interfere with Christmas shopping
6. you stress me out
5. you look nothing like the practice exams
4. you make me get up early and think at a time of day during which I'd rather be sleeping
3. you make me an emotional wacko
2. you conspire with the usually congenial profs
1. you determine my future
Saturday, April 08, 2006
got job ;)
Friday, April 07, 2006
open book exams are designed to mock
Friday, March 31, 2006
job interview
Monday, March 27, 2006
2 weeks
V for Vendetta
I guess I liked it, but not really. Don't think I can see it again. I know it's suppose to be political commentary and blah blah blah, but seeing the orange jumpsuits and jail cells just reminded me of the POW research I was doing last year, and immediately the film stops being entertainment for me. I guess that's the point. Hugo Weaving does have an amazing physique in leather though.
Spectacle of Winds
We had our annual big concert at a downtown theatre yesterday, with the Stratford Concert Band. The conductor burnt us out at the morning dress rehearsal, so the actual concert didn't go as well as hoped for. It was still good, but, who does that? I certainly don't have the stamina to play the full repitoire stopping at every 10 bars, and then the whole thing again after an hour lunch. Anyway, it was okay. We played music from The Incredibles, The Perfect Storm and Pirates of the Carribean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, among others.
After turning down the England exchange, I thought I'd be relieved. And I was for a while, not having to make that agonizing choice anymore, but now I'm lost as to what I'm going to do this summer. That anxiety is making me wish that I'd chosen England, so everything will be set now. I don't want to be bellyaching over this during exams.
My sister is working in Windsor this week, and she is bringing her Jacob Two-Two. I'm so excited to see them. How serious are they when they say 'No dogs in the building'?
The West Wing
Oh, how I'm going to miss this show!
Monday, March 20, 2006
3 weeks
We are talking about Freedom of Religion in Constitution Law class now, and I wonder about some of the court decisions. Yes, no one should be persecuted for their beliefs, but does the state really need to shield the public for all religious practices, however remotely they may be linked to the state? Freedom of Religion, and freedom from Religion, yes. But when push comes to shove, shouldn't people have the strength of their beliefs, and be willing to defend it? Carry your cross, damn it.
I'm so tired.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
This Is Why...
"so to paraphrase, if you decide to go to England you will be out 10G, with nothing but experience for your future aspirations, and the experience of living in a castle, while you might have to work with a stalkerish ex while risking leaving the current one."
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Spring Formal
Unseasonably warm temperature - though lots of rain. Not quite April yet, some I'm not sure what March showers brings.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Layers of Me
Name: Michelle Kai
Birthdate: Jan 4, 1982
Birthplace: Hong Kong
Current location: Windsor, ON
Eyes: medium brown
Hair: brown with highlights by my sis
Height: 5'7"
Righty or Lefty: righty
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Your heritage: Chinese
Your weakness: musicians
Your shoes you wore today: haven't been outside today, so just my slippers
Your fears: that's I won't grow up to be who I really am
Your perfect pizza: Hawaiian at Pizza Hut
Goal you'd like to achieve: work at the UN
Your thoughts first waking up: what do I have to do today?
Your best physical feature: my drive to not let myself down
Your bedtime: 11:00-11:30pm
Your most missed memory: high school symphonic band
Pepsi or Coke: I never understood the difference, and don't really like either
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's (McChicken lover since I was old enough to finish one by myself)
Single or group dates: single
Adidas or Nike: Nike
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea
Chocolate or vanilla: milk chocolate
Cappuccino or coffee: Iced Cap
Cuss: the dialogue in my mind is often R-rated
Sing: yup, I know so much sappy lyrics by heart
Have a crush: yup
Think you've been in love: yes
Want to go college: can't seem to get out ;)
Want to get married: yes
Believe in yourself: I have to
Get motion sickness: cars, trains, planes, elevators, tire swings... you name it - there's a reason why I was such a bad pilot
Think you're attractive: I think confidence and self-assuredness are attractive, and I try to exude those
Think you're a health freak: nope, I live like a typical student
Get along with your parents: I haven't seen my dad in almost 3 years, and haven't talked to him in almost a year. My mom and I get along now that I'm away from home again.
Like thunderstorms: yes - I have this vision of watching one snuggled with my family by the fire beside the bay windows
Play an instrument: saxophone, trumpet, piano, some clarinet
Layer.six - in the past month
Gone to the mall: yes, I seeing people who I don't go to school with
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no, I don't think I could ever do that
Eaten sushi: yes - yummy!
Been on stage: not since ballet recitals when I was 11
Gone skating: no - I'd like to though
Made homemade cookies: yup, baking on Sundays with my boy ;)
Gone skinny dipping: no
Dyed your hair: my sis did highlights for me
Stolen anything: just this survey from medori
Layer.seven - ever..
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: never
Been called a tease: yeah (I know, surprising)
Got beaten up: never
Age you hoped to be married: 27
Number and name of children: 2, Zachary/Matthew... and I guess their daddy can pick the girl's names
Dream wedding: as long as it's the right person, the rest are just details
How do you want to die: in peace
Where do you want to attend college: I'm doing exactly what I want to do right now
Dream job: composer of movie scores... but I guess I'll settle for lawyer
Country you want to visit: France
Layer.nine - In a guy/girl...
Best eye color: blue/grey
Best hair color: brown
Short or long hair: short
Height: 6' +
Best weight: depends on height, I guess
Best clothing: whatever's comfortable and suitable for the occasion
Number of drugs taken illegally: 0
Number of people I could trust with my life: under what circumstances?
Number of CDs that I own: 40-50?
Number of piercings: two, one in each earlobe
Number of tattoos: none
Number of times my name's been in the news: I wrote an article to the Kid's Page in the Toronto Star when I was in grade 6 and it was published
Number of scars on my body: supposedly one on my head from falling and stitches when i was 3 - I've never seen it
Number of things in my past that I regret: if things hadn't happened that way, I might not be here now. And I'm exactly where I want to be, so why should I regret anything?
Monday, March 06, 2006
I'm a mooter
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Herstmonceax Castle
Back from Reading Week now, for the final 6 weeks of classes, and then 3 weeks of exams. Then, who knows what I'm going to do for the summer.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Screw the books, I want to start practicing law right now!
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Friday, February 17, 2006
Monday, February 13, 2006
grey's anatomy
Friday, February 10, 2006
Catch My Breath
One week 'til Reading Week. Trying to get caught up in my readings this weekend so I can just coast next week. Plus there's a little something call Valentine's Day on Tuesday, so gotta slot some time for that. I haven't spent Valentine's Day in a relationship in 6 years. Sad but true.
Going home for a weekend on Reading Week, then job shadowing a 29 year old Crown Attorney(!) in London on Tuesday, here for a couple days, then road trip to Michigan with boyfriend (yes, we are sad and unimaginative, and broke). Plans to make oatmeal cookies this weekend. Two weeks ago we made brownies, and it was good.
Going to a Military Studies Conference tonight and tomorrow. The keynote speaker, Prof J.L. Granastein, practically wrote the book on Canadian military history. Should be good.
I killed another one of my goldfish. Fifth one since camp, I think, where I killed 4, at least.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
"a little rant, and then I'll get to work"
I think the thing with school is that all of a sudden, listening to that lecture made me realize that I know stuff. That might sound crazy, but first year at law school can make you feel pretty ignorant. And then this int'l law thing... I just feel that maybe I already have all the skills I need to do what I want to do, so why the hell don't I just get out there and start doing it? I'm so tired of books and papers - do I really need this to do what I want to do?
The answer is, of course, yes.
But still, I feel like running away.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Happy New Year!
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Sunday, January 22, 2006

Sunday, January 15, 2006
Two's Better Than One

And I guess I just realized how much I've been missing being single/long-distance relationship for so long. Yesterday Jonathan and I made peanut butter cookies, and it was the most fun thing in the world. Even seeing my sister and her boyfriend disgree about 'parenting' their puppies warms my heart. Life's meant to be shared, and if that special someone happens to cross your path, even just for a little while, every moment ought to be treasured.
I think this is the most content I've been with my life, for a long time now.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
rainy days
Quite enjoying my 20 mins walk to school now. If I take University, I get to walk with lots of students, but if I take Wyandotte, I get to see cute babies with bunny hats going to the pediatrian, and other non-university people going about their business every morning. It's like a little village here. Luckily the weather has been really mild so far, so the walk is pleasant. Mon-Wed, I don't get home 'til 7pm-ish, and though the streets are well-lit, I still don't like walking in the dark alone.
Went to band rehearsal tonight. Hadn't touched my sax in a month, so it was kinda brutal. Plus I can't really hit those low notes. So for the first time I brought music home to practice.
I don't know why I'm just blabbing. I feel kinda in limbo, and not back into the full swing of things yet. Probably won't until I get all my exam marks back. Career Services told us that only 3 students from first year got a summer position at a law firm last year, and that's high. So I really have to evaluate whether I can be one of those 3, or sort out some contingency plan. It'd be nice to go back to Cold Lake one last time...
Friday, January 06, 2006
New Apartment Virtual Tour

(Right) This is my kitchen. As you can see, it has a bar. I should get stools for it, but I just brought a folding table for eating that's out of sight. The poster I have on my fridge is from Body World 2, at the Ontario Science Centre. The thing on the left at the end of the bar is my stereo.

(Right) My bedroom continued, with Snowflake Eeyore. My TV & DVD are on the end of the bed. I even got a green shimmery bedskirt (only because it was on clearance at Wal-Mart).
Don't really feel like I'm back at school yet, mostly because classes were short or cancelled this week. Things are going to be coming fast & furious on Monday though, I'm sure. Email me if you'd like to see pictures of Jonathan and me. =)
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
New Start
I'll be 24 in a couple hours!