After me asking - well, more like begging - for a week, we went to the SPCA after work yesterday. That's where we met Chip. How cute is he! He's a one year old stray who's never been trained, so he's a little ADHD. But fun. So for all his whining and reluctance, guess who liked the dog better? (We haven't adopted him, btw, but thinking about it)
Are we ready for a dog? Probably not. I know it's a big responsibility. And when dishes and laundry can be points of contention, taking care of another living being is not such a good idea. But there is an appeal to having some thing together, joint custody if you will. Want to feel grown up - that we have responsibilities. That we can establish some permanence to the relationship.

Don't get me wrong. Despite all my complaining here, things are going well between us. Surprisingly so, considering I haven't lived with anyone else in a while, and never a significant other. I don't want to make him feel like he is auditioning for some role of future whatever with me, but I also want to know that the possibility is there, and real. I want to feel that we are ready for the responsibility, even if it's not practical or realistic right now.
Remember the gold fish.
y> I know, and so bouncy and fun. But probably just as accident-prone as 2-2.
a> puppies can whine - they'd do much better under my care than gold fish
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