Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Pardon me?

It seems like a joke, and a cruel one at that.  The second son of two lawyers is considered speech delayed.  Severe enough that he qualifies for government funding for therapy. That unsettling doubt was planted a year ago perhaps, but between an eloquent and loquacious older brother, and a imminent arrival of a little sister, his parents let it slide. They took away his soother and hoped for the best. They told themselves that children are different and they swore they would never compare them unfairly. They chalked it up to him having a hard time adjusting to the new baby. They pray that they had not failed so spectacularly because they chose to have careers. There is always enough blame to go around, and they struggle with how much they put on themselves, and how much they should actually believe in the conclusions of a 60 minutes assessment. The older brother is already dismissively calling it all gibberish. How will this further the already strained relationship as of late between the brothers?  As a parent you worry about a million things, and it turns out you didn't worry enough.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A heart full of love

Cast my first vote in a new city yesterday, 2 sons and husband in tow.  When did my life get so full?  I love and I live as I try to breathe through the sleepless nights and bustling days.  Could it be merely 5 years since I was a student living that carefree life?  Did I have an inkling that I would feel like I have everything I've ever wanted in a few short years?  What will another 5 years bring?

A second child.  You fear that your love for your first will change, and of course it does.  But it does not lessen.  My heart is so full, for a boy with scraped knees and a baby with trusting eyes.  We've come so far, got so far to go.

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Good wife, good mother

In a simpler time, perhaps one is simply equivalent to the other. I doubt it though.  I think the tension between being a good companion and a good parent has always existed, and the best you can hope for is a spouse that makes both possible instead of a strain.