Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Heart of the Matter

Every time I want to say I’m homesick, I am struck by the realization that I don’t actually know what that means.  I miss something that I barely remember having.  Not that I don’t have a family, of course I do.  But that elusive feeling of belonging; I have not been able to grasp.


8 months into my articles, it’s time to consider what’s next again.  I like my firm, but I had no intentions of staying in Edmonton beyond this year.  As that now changed?  Maybe, maybe not.  There is a man, that I clearly like, love even, who has made it very clear that he will not move back east.  Do I not owe him the same honesty to say that I want to go home, if Toronto is still home, even if it might not be for a few years?


What I keep feeling is that I am missing out on everything that’s happening in Toronto, to my family and my oldest friends.  Engagements, weddings, babies, and all the little announcements and special events that I no doubt didn’t even hear about…  it’s all happening and life’s going on.  Yes, I have my own life here, that I am fairly content with, but still.  It didn’t help to not go home for Christmas, and now it’s Chinese New Year.  When will I finally feel that I’m where I’m suppose to be? 

Monday, January 26, 2009

Am I Allergic to Happiness or Normality?

Give the resource, time and inclination, I could probably have turned out to be an arsonist or pyromaniac, because I sure like to destroy things in my life, especially when they are going well.  

Is it a fear of attachment, so that I need to pretend I can live without it, in order to not feel vulnerable being attached to it?  Is there any reason to believe I can ever achieve that 'normal life'?  

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Time has Come to Set Aside Childish Things

Let us embrace the challenges and promises of tomorrow together.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The church had a birthday cake for all the January birthdays today, so a week after my actual birthday, I am still celebrating.  It's great!  One of the other birthday person closed his eyes briefly, and I realized that I have forgotten to make a birthday wish this year!  Luckily I have another cake waiting for me at work tomorrow, so there is still a chance to salvage this.  I know that you are not suppose to say the wish out loud, or it won't come true, but let's just, hypothesize, shall we? 

What would I wish for in my 27th year?  As far as I know, I have my health, though it might kill me to actually participate in any sort of prolonged physical activities.  Despite the worry about hirebacks and my future beyond the next 6 months after articling is completed, I love my work and hope it will continue.  My relationship with everyone in my family (except my father) is excellent, by virtue of the distance between us.  And I've got a boyfriend that hasn't stopped making me grin yet.  

So hopefully I'm not jinxing the year, but I am at the rare, exactly where I want to be spot in my life at the moment.  =) 

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy 2009!

What did you do with your extra second of 2008?