Thursday, May 10, 2007

looking for something

Feeling melancholy. It's not that I miss the relationship, exactly, because all its frustrations are still fresh on my mind. I just miss... being a part of that kind of life. Sure, being home helps, as it forces me to adopt a completely different role, one that I don't play often.

Am I just me when I'm somewhere on the 401 en route from here to there?


Anonymous said...

re: the 401 comment... i've felt that way sometimes, too. not sure what to make of it.

-karen e.

m_whiz said...

I'm saddest when I feel homesick sitting at home. I have no idea where I belong then.

Anonymous said...

sometimes sitting at home is the most alienating and disorienting experience BECAUSE you're made to feel as though it's the epitome of belonging, even when you know and feel that this isn't the case.

i think belonging--and, in this instance, feeling and being "at home" (meta)physically--is an ongoing work in progress...

-karen e.