Sunday, February 05, 2006

"a little rant, and then I'll get to work"

It seems like I've been saying that quite a bit lately. I've had a frustrating week, and it took me a while to figure out why. It started off with my constitutional prof delivering an awesome lecture on freedom of expression last Thursday. I was totally engaged, and would have happily sat there all day listening to him. Then, the weekend of hell of writing my 25-page memo. On Tuesday, I think, I found out there is a Spring Term at the Castle in England that Queen's Law is offering courses in International Law through. I was so excited about it, and got all the stuff together for application, only to find out that Windsor won't transfer my credit even if I did go spend $10 000 for 2 months, doing exactly what I want to do (Int'l criminal law, int'l humanitarian law & public int'l law). And then there is the boyfriend, with whom things are generally going well, but the discussion of 'we should live together next year' keeps coming up.

I think the thing with school is that all of a sudden, listening to that lecture made me realize that I know stuff. That might sound crazy, but first year at law school can make you feel pretty ignorant. And then this int'l law thing... I just feel that maybe I already have all the skills I need to do what I want to do, so why the hell don't I just get out there and start doing it? I'm so tired of books and papers - do I really need this to do what I want to do?

The answer is, of course, yes.

But still, I feel like running away.


Anonymous said...

Worst memo ever. You should most definitely put some of that stuff in an annex. ;)

Don't run it's tiring.

Anonymous said...

i just want to share with you that shine my shoes at work and you should be mighty proud of me...

i shine with a kiwi cloth, brown polish on black shoes (cause it gives it extra shine), but sadly no flame...

We should get together and SHINE sometime...

m_whiz said...

s> you're right - much easier to hide than run!

a> look at you, all grown up! ;)