Sunday, April 08, 2007

in dreams

A combination of stress and studying, coupled with a headache, put me in bed from 7pm last night to 10:30am this morning. My body is seriously crashing. A handful of weird dreams that I can remember:

1. I was in the back seat of a car with my sister, my mom driving, grandma riding shotgun. Over were going fast on an overpass, and below was a variety of brightly coloured fabrics laid out, a sort of flea market. We keep looking over the side of our windows, going too fast, and then all of a sudden we drove off the overpass, and started hurling towards the ground. By a series of cunning manoeuvres I was able to somehow get the car to land on a huge shipping container. I was unscathed, but I couldn't find the others. By the time I found my mom, my sister was already jabbering unintelligibly on her cell phone. No sign of grandma. Went looking for help. Got to a hotel, asked to use their phone. Dialed 911, and told the police that we were in a 'catastrophic' accident. He mocked me, until I described to him what happened. Then he sent help. By the time I went back to the crash site, my entire extended family was already there, grandma include safe and sound.

2. I was thirsty and also wanted a slice of Kraft cheddar cheese. So I got up from my bed and started to head towards the kitchen. But somehow, the space of the room and the kitchen at overlapped, so I could get to the kitchen by feeling around, without actually getting out of bed. Got my cheese and could actually taste it, plus 2 gulps of the cool, refreshing water. Then I headed towards the window in the room, but realized that it corresponded to the balcony from the kitchen's perspective, so I could have fallen off. Saw my plant in the kitchen, but realized this morning that it was an old plant. Usually I can tell when I am dreaming, and settle in for the ride. Seriously disturbing when you think you are awake, but you aren't, or can't wake yourself up. I did finally got up and got water though.

3. In my old house, with my black lab. Keep dreaming of this house, and it was always comfortable to be there, almost 'my' house. Black lab was playing with my sister's current white pitbull. Another random white dog was around, as well as my cousin's old dog Wolfie.

Weird stuff floating around in the subconscious.


alex said...

To save, especially to save from the water, is equivalent to giving birth when dreamed by a woman; this sense is, however, modified when the dreamer is a man...

Anonymous said...

stay off the valium!is

Anonymous said...

Who gave you some of my stash?

m_whiz said...

s> wouldn't touch yours - you drool ;)