Thursday, August 16, 2007

where do I go from here?

Cold Lake
Felt terribly sad leaving camp early on the eve of graduation. Cold Lake was fantastic this summer. Old friends, new friends, the familiar and the new and exciting. A job that allowed me to see all of the camp, instead of one particular course. The same anticipation as I felt nearly a decade ago now, when I first arrived at the camp. A place that molded and guided me into who I am today.

I used to take pictures of everything to make sure I'd remember. Now I know that I will never forget.

What can I say? I had a total of 9 articling interviews this summer, and not a single job offer. I am feeling defeated. I don't know where to go from here. The chances of securing a government job after graduation is now all but gone. I thought I did well, at least for 3 of them. I don't know how to be different, or 'better'. What am I going to do now? I feel that it was foolish for me to hope, and be so happy when I found out about all the interviews I was going to. I feel that I have betrayed the kind words and encouragement of everyone at camp. I feel like I've let them down. I know that in the grand scheme of things, this is but a blip in my career. But right now all I can see is the blip as a chasm between me and happiness. I feel hollow.


Anonymous said...

Don't feel defeated just yet -- you're coming to Europe -- who knows what doors will open then :)

Joyce still battling Dutch rain

m_whiz said...

Thanks, Joyce. I know, I'm really looking forward to Europe!

Princess_Nikki said...

"I used to take pictures of everything to make sure I'd remember. Now I know that I will never forget."

This made me cry. At my desk at work (yes, I was reading your blog at work). Can I quote you on facebook?

Two things:

1) I had a great time with you in Cold Lake - I wish I could've been there for the whole summer. A few days just were not enough. I left feeling removitvated, energized and excited...things that I hadn't felt in a really long time. There's something about going back "to your roots" and seeing it again, through fresh eyes. It makes me sad to know that I will probably never get to spend another summer there, but hearing about it from you and others makes me feel like I never left. I'm glad you had a fantastic summer.

2) It's never foolish to hope for things, and getting 9 interviews is a huge accomplishment in itself. Not just that, but you're doing a semester in ENGLAND! You are one of the most accomplished people I know, and the universe is just waiting for the right person to realize how great you are. It'll come, it just might take time. And really, don't we have all the time in the world?