Saturday, September 22, 2007

London Calling T Minus One!

I got a transfer from the TTC today, so I know that it's Day 265 of the year. I wonder what the last 100 days of 2007 will bring for me. To say the least, it will be exciting. Getting on a Gatwick bound plane in 25 hours. I feel like I'm on the top of a roller-coaster, ready to take that plunge. More than ready. I have been out of school for 5 months now; I hope my brain has not turned to mush. Or if it has, that will unmush quickly once I cross the ocean. I hope this trip will be more than I can imagine.

1 comment:

Julie said...

What? You leave in one day!? Holy crap, I can't believe I won't see you before you go! Have a safe trip. If I don't talk to you properly (my mum and sister are here in NY so I'm doing a lot of entertaining and site-seeing) have a safe trip and we'll chat once you're in jolly old England!!