Sunday, December 02, 2007

Two Weeks Left

I can't believe I'm going home in two weeks. I feel like I have just hit my stride; familiar faces, a set routine, going over to friends' house for dinner, all the normal things you associate with shedding the foreigner's skin. Just as I am greeted with friendly faces on campus, have a decent grasp of the bus route schedules, and really starting to feel that I like this place, I'll be packing my bags in a matter of days.

They told us at orientation that 3 months is going to feel very short, and there were times I doubted that in these past weeks. But with all the traveling and school and everything, there wasn't time to miss home, really. Plus with the nonsense and drama, why would I want to go face that?

I've never been cool enough to have a set table with a group of friends to sit at for every meal. I haven't feel this good about life since 3rd year at Mac.

Upside down
Who's to say what's impossible and can't be found
I don't want this feeling to go away
~ Jack Johnson

1 comment:

Princess_Nikki said...

I'll sit with you at every meal!