Saturday, January 22, 2005

Jan 23

Do you have a day that you keep remembering, no matter how much time has passed? You can recall that day with crystal clarity, and it means no less to you now, as it did then? A memory that will forever live in a rosy glass ornament on the happy tree? Jan 23rd is that day for me. Although I do feel a little silly for smiling everytime I recall it, 'cuz I'm sure that it doesn't mean anything special to him anymore. I think if I brought it up, he'd smile, but it won't be something he would remember spontaneously or independently without prompting. So I feel sorta like a hopeless romantic or a daydreaming schoolgirl for putting a smiley face on that day in my agenda.

But it makes me smile.

Hard to forget the day that resolved a big fight with your first love, even though he was just your best friend at the time. Hard to forget when he named his first music composition after it, and gave you the original score.


walekim said...

January 23 strikes me of a similar but different day. It would have been a special day, a day that I celebrate. Yet I started it off with a big sneeze from a sudden cold I got yesterday.

I wonder if our home improvement project works. You could certainly use it these days.

Anonymous said...

i have many of those days too for various reasons... it's nice to have those moments engrained in your memory which u can turn to when u need them to lift your mood...

i forgot to say that i don't think i ever did know Mike Law at Mac but i may recognize him if i saw him... in any event, i'm glad to hear u guys have started dating and i'm glad to hear that your Christmas was so good! i hope all goes well... say "hi" to Mike for me...

- aziz