Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Scam Artist

Yup, that's me! Why? 'Cuz I just got the Chair of my department to drop 2 course requirements for me so that I can: a) not pay any more tuition fees, b) go to law school, c) NOT finish the thesis, yet still d) be able to GRADUATE in June! How did I manage to pull off this Mission Impossible, at a military college, no less? What can I say; I'm just that good! ;)

Actually, I just told a particularly convincing sob story (mostly 'cuz it was all true), about not being able to pay for a summer term, leaving for a posting in Alberta in June, and going to law school in the fall. And the associate chair of the dept is a prof I did an independent study course on military leadership with last year, who also wrote my reference letters for Windsor. He petitioned my case to the Dean, and it's all good now. The only thing left to do is to polish up what I've written so far (all 70 pages) into some sort of recognizable paper for a credit, and I'll be all set. Quite a heist, no?


walekim said...

You know... a lawyer does the same. 1) Convince others of which "truth" is more true, using the facts presented in the case.
2) Persuade the right people to reach a settlement between the parties concerned.
I don't see a scam artist.

Anonymous said...

well, what can I say but congrats?! it's great that you managed to make a better situation for yourself out of all these stressful burdens that have been placed on you for the past two years!

way to go, TEAM Kai :oD

m_whiz said...

Thanks Karen! TEAM KAI indeed! =)