Tuesday, October 25, 2005


He called my mom. Yeah. Rob called my mother, asking why I broke up with him, how can my feelings change, how I can be interested in another guy. And you know what my mom said? "It's better for you to break up now than for it to end in a divorce." Yay mommy!!

He also told her that he applied for the Windsor Police. And my mom goes, "Don't do that; she's not worth it." Under different circumstance, I might object. But right now, I'm just thrilled that my mom was fully briefed on the whole fiasco beforehand.


walekim said...

Hahaha! Sometimes, mom does more than nagging, right?

Princess_Nikki said...

He called your MOM?

Aren't you glad you didn't let it go any further?

And I thought I was crazy...I feel a bit better now.

I hope you're doing well. We are stronger than we look. We're asian, we can get through anything. :)

Anonymous said...

Well, you've been dating long-distance for like 2 years...do you think he'll let go so easily?

Anonymous said...

But...what's the new guy's name??? That's the "hanger"...making the fans wait to find out