Monday, March 27, 2006

2 weeks

of classes left. It's not that I don't like school; but there is just so long one can keep this momentum up for.

V for Vendetta
I guess I liked it, but not really. Don't think I can see it again. I know it's suppose to be political commentary and blah blah blah, but seeing the orange jumpsuits and jail cells just reminded me of the POW research I was doing last year, and immediately the film stops being entertainment for me. I guess that's the point. Hugo Weaving does have an amazing physique in leather though.

Spectacle of Winds
We had our annual big concert at a downtown theatre yesterday, with the Stratford Concert Band. The conductor burnt us out at the morning dress rehearsal, so the actual concert didn't go as well as hoped for. It was still good, but, who does that? I certainly don't have the stamina to play the full repitoire stopping at every 10 bars, and then the whole thing again after an hour lunch. Anyway, it was okay. We played music from The Incredibles, The Perfect Storm and Pirates of the Carribean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, among others.

After turning down the England exchange, I thought I'd be relieved. And I was for a while, not having to make that agonizing choice anymore, but now I'm lost as to what I'm going to do this summer. That anxiety is making me wish that I'd chosen England, so everything will be set now. I don't want to be bellyaching over this during exams.

My sister is working in Windsor this week, and she is bringing her Jacob Two-Two. I'm so excited to see them. How serious are they when they say 'No dogs in the building'?

The West Wing
Oh, how I'm going to miss this show!


Anonymous said...

yay, hugo weaving ;oP


m_whiz said...

no ears in sight in V though =(

Anonymous said...

oh ha. but the voice was really nice... ;o)