Saturday, April 29, 2006

my idea of clean

... is obviously different from his. He just left for home for a couple days, and I finally got the chance to CLEAN the place. I'm not a obsessive-compulsive neat freak, that everything needs to be inspection-ready (I've come a long way from my SL days, I'm proud to say), but still - THE MOP WAS STILL IN ITS ORIGINAL PACKAGE! His mom obviously stocked his cleaning supply, and there are product of every kind. Combined with my stuff, we've got about 50 rolls of toilet paper, 10 pots of every size, 2 microwaves - you get the idea. I have to give him credit for this though: the kitchen is spotless. Ah, I love that my man loves to cook. (spares me the agony) We almost had a fight on the very first day on the 'right' way to do laundry though. Let's see how we'll love our way out of this. The place is at least organized now. Hopefully the two-bedroom apartment in the building will be available sooner rather than later.

Feeling much like bad_captain does. Mixture of fear, relief, anticipation, exhaustion; readjusting to life that doesn't require you to read until your eyes bleed. I guess it's a good thing that I start work on Monday, so I won't have much time to get too bored. Still, university towns are not that much fun to be in during the summer, when all your friends are gone.

Blockbuster is having a two used DVD for $20 sale, and I got my copy of RENT and Pride and Prejudice. Probably the best two movies I saw this past year. I like The Corpse's Bride too, but that movie has baggage because of who I saw it with. Do we ever escape our past? Not if they still leave weird messages at the middle of the night for you.


Princess_Nikki said...

I have never lived with a boyfriend, but I have whipped many a male roommate into shape when it comes to cleaning. Break out the mop - leave it on his side of the bed. He'll get the idea :D

I am going to buy Rent today. I figured out that I spent the cost of the movie in retal fees - should've just bought it in the first place.

m_whiz said...

Ha! Mop by the bedside - I like it. I'm also thinking of holding his playstation games hostage.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA...Nicole definately has whipped a few male roomates...

I cannot wait until Monday to start work. I never knew that 8 months of non-stop school would lead to me doing things like cleaning the house two times a day or stuff like that. AND, cannot sleep in for the life of me.