Saturday, July 17, 2004


This weekend, an Airshow is being held here in Cold Lake.  The last time they had it here was when I was here last; five years ago.  The cadets are going to get to see the Snowbirds, and lots of other cool aerial demonstration.  But it is scorchingly hot.
So I got my own room again, it's all good.  It is nice to have my own space, and be able to keep it neat.  Plus, I've been moved to the other barrack, which is also where he lives.  So it's easier to be discreet about this developing, whatever-it-is.  He leaves notes under my door.  =)
In SLC, the flights have to earn their flight names.  So my flight is named Defiant (after the Cdn aircraft, not the Star Trek one!), but the kids don't know that, 'cuz they have to learn it.  Well, yesterday, we gave them one letter of the name - the E, and you should have seen how excited they were.  It was just incredible, how little psychologically manipulative things like that can work at camp.  Anyway, their motivation reminded me of the reason why I am here, and I'm just so excited myself now.  


Anonymous said...

you must really like the power of knowledge and lourding it over the kiddies. oh wait, that's me. i'm projecting again.

i want to hear more about this boy of yours. do tell.

Anonymous said...

who Da Boy???


p.s. i HATE boys... well, JUST ONE in particular ;o)

m_whiz said...

boy's name is Rob. Professional musician, part-time grad student, musician instructor at camp.

k> what did your boy do now?