Saturday, July 03, 2004

Flight Commander

We got our jobs yesterday, and I am going to be a flight commander, same as last year. It wasn't what I asked for, but I am content with the position, nonetheless. Plus, I was assigned to the same flight (section) that I was a course cadet and staff cadet in, so it holds a nice continuity for me. The staff cadets are arriving today and tomorrow, and the course cadet next week. Now that we know our jobs for the summer, I can't wait for the course to start.

Coincidentally though, I'm working with his new girlfriend, who has the same name as me. Plus, the third person we are working with has the same name as his recent ex. What a wacky arrangement.


Anonymous said...

sounds like a sitcom just waiting to be watched. or a really bad soap opera. as long as none of you turn into creepy dolls, keep me updated on the drama. have fun!

m_whiz said...

it's drama, alright

y> you are working, sponsor yourself!