Tuesday, September 21, 2004

they say on the radio

that it's the last day of summer.

And this summer romance isn't looking too good...


Anonymous said...

the official start/finish times to seasons has never made much sense to me... winter starts way before December 21st... i don't care what anyone else says... that's total crap that it's fall on December 20th... therefore, i have decided to create my own definitions of the seasons based on complex trigonometrical, calculus-atorialistic (i think i may have just invented this word in the process) calculations which take into account the rate of axial spin of the Earth at every point on this planet, the alignment of Jupiter's moon Europa with our own moon, and the flux of iron out of the Earth's core... wait a second... what was i talking about in the first place?

sorry to hear u're feeling down about the summer romance... don't give up though... i'd love to witness a real life happy ending to a summer romance... with u as the star... oh man, that's 2 really cheesy moments in a row... but i sincerely do hope things look up for u soon...

oh man, u know u're verbose when your comment is 78.3 + or - 0.7 times longer than the original entry... shutting up... now...

- aziz

Anonymous said...

a> looks like it's going to be more than a mini-funk, unfortunately... =(