Wednesday, May 10, 2006

forgot to blog about this

Having been a FComd twice, I am of course no stranger to the ER. I just didn't expect to get there so early in the summer. Windsor Regional Hospital has airplane-type recliner chairs in the waiting room, but that still doesn't make 6 hours go by any faster.

My boyfriend's sick, and we don't know what's wrong with him. He was on an IV on Sat night, and had x-rays and ultrasounds, but still no idea of how to fix him. He went to his first day at work on Monday, and stayed home yesterday and today. And why is it that I am so annoyed by this?

I know he is sick - I'm just not a compassionate person, nevermind girlfriend. It takes a lot for me to miss work, and I don't think he'd hit that threshold of pain. I'm a terrible person. I guess maybe part of it is just that I want to get our new apartment sorted out, and I want to do fun things after work, and not sit quietly so as to not disturb his fits of naps.

Why am I like this? I wasn't neglected as a child or unsympathetic to the plight of human suffering. I just hate weakness. And anything that requires me to be extra nice, the babysitting/homemaker type girlfriend. Take your pills and go to work! I know, I'm going to rot in hell.


walekim said...

No, you aren't going to rot in hell.
You are just a strong, practical person seeking companionship who is at least as strong as you. It is resonable.

Princess_Nikki said...

Michelle, this post made me laugh. Out loud. At cadets. Yes, I read blogs at cadets. I completely understand your annoyance - I have no sympathy either. It's the asian/slc/cic officer in us. Remember the lack of tolerance your parents had when you were sick? Mine almost made me go to school when I had the chicken pox - only the school made me stay home. Good strong asian children don't miss school for fear that their 5th grade GPA may fall below 4.0 or they may not be the smartest kid in class if they miss that one math class.

Isn't is scary how the past comes back to haunt you?

m_whiz said...

n> lol! I knew there was a reason I am this way. I remember not missing *Chinese* school. I've done parades with a fever. I'm written exam half delirious. I had no idea of the concept of 'playing after school with the neighbourhood kids' until I saw it on TV. Don't they have extra math/English/piano/drawing/violin/Chinese/swimming/skating/badminton lessons?!

I miss cadets. Being on LOA all year was a necessary, but hard choice. And now, no camp. But at least the boy if up and about now.