Friday, August 18, 2006

What If PMS is Who We Really Are?

I know, I know. All summer I have been going through all these mood swings of discontentment with my life, and in particular with my boyfriend. I can’t seem to understand it, but if Cosmos says it’s PMS, who am I to question that? Then, a thought hit me today: What if that’s who I really am? The bitchy, jealous, conniving control-freak of a woman – what if that’s my true self? What if the real me only come out during those times of hormone-induced liberation from the everyday mask I try to keep hidden under? What if I’m like that prince from The Silver Chair (Narnian Chronicles, Book Six), who only remembers who he is outside the witch’s spell for one hour a day, at which time he is bound to the Silver Chair to keep him from escaping home? What if all that I am, unattractive though it may be, is what I am when I’m PMS-ing? How can you go through life like that, only being yourself a week a month??!!

1 comment:

walekim said...

You think too much.