Tuesday, August 01, 2006

for a good smoothie

Finally got the blender I wanted:
I have searched high and low, and compared prices, and such, but as luck would have it, the one that I wanted (this one), went on clearance price for $49.93, from $99.93. So I finally have one, right in time for this nasty heat wave. It also comes with a chrome jug, presumably for ice crushing. Very cool.

I am taking this Thursday and Friday off for a seminar in Toronto called Preparing to Practice in the Vancouver Bar. Then it's long weekend, so another mini-vacation for me. Then when I come back, it'll just be three weeks 'til school starts. Can't wait. I've got two part-time jobs for the fall, maybe another if I take on cadets again. We shall see.

My boyfriend's parents put up this mesh around our balconey for us, to keep out the pigeons, so now it looks like we live in a birdcage. What's worse, the little buggers still find a way to get in, but have no idea how to get out now. I've duct-taped everything I can reach, so hopefully I won't be coming back to starved bird carcass next Monday.


Anonymous said...

oh dear goodness, i can imagine that birdcage...

p.s. I hope you recall what I said about Vancouver ;)

m_whiz said...

yeah, the apt has a zoo-like feel to it!