Friday, October 08, 2004

dasani water

What is the secret ingredient of dasani water? Why does it taste different from others? I know that I prefer distilled to spring water, which means that I don't like the taste of minerals or whatever else originate from a spring but somehow gets 'distilled' out, right? But see, on the dasani bottle, it says, 'remineralized water'. What the hell does that mean? So they took out the minerals, and then put it back in? Which means that I shouldn't like dasani water. But I do! So the possibility is that they take out the mineral, somehow change it, and then put it back in in a different form, altered in quality or quantity?

That's not all. It has also undergone 'reverse osmosis'. So, something in low concentration has been forced through a semi-permeable membrane into a high concentration (reminds me of the Na-K pumps that I vaguely remember from 1st year bio). But what exactly has been forced? Minerals? So, I like the taste of a high concentration of minerals, but not low.

Next phrase: "non-carbonated" Okay, easy enough - no carbons. Non-pop.

"Total dissolved solids". Shouldn't it be 'total-ly dissolved solids". And what kinda water, even before distillating, 'springing', or reverse osmosising, has solids? Where does Coke get this water from? Icebergs?

"< 35 ppm" how much less? If you are going to use a "<" sign, shouldn't you at least try to specify a range? Honestly, 0 ppm is less than 35 ppm too.

"Fluoride ions: 0 ppm" Well, thanks for letting us that it doesn't exist in the bottle. Real useful stuff.

Okay, I'm done ranting now.


Anonymous said...

someone once told me that Dasani H2O is basically like Brita H2O... since then, i haven't been able to drink it... my limited exposure to it was pleasant, as i remember, however... but i can't afford to drink bottled H2O anyway... i drink too much to be able to pay for fancy H2O... it's Brita all the way for me... how droll...

Anonymous said...

I drink concentrated mineral and impurity particular water.
What the hack is that? Brita filtered then boiled water. Why concentrated? Boiled, right? Water evaporated. What is left? The impuities, at a higher concentration. However, I did Brita it, so I get less of it. In a sense, I am drinking just about the same portion of impurities from tap water, or so I hope.
What is the advantage? Less germs, again, I hope.

Like the previous person, I don't have $$$ for Dasani. Nor do I wish to drink any. m_whiz should try to like something else like, perhaps, Labatt Blue. More simple.


m_whiz said...

you guys are hilarious!