Tuesday, December 07, 2004

it's beginning to look a lot like...

yeah, snow season. Or, whatever you call it.

Have you ever had a day when you wake up feeling that something is going to happen? Not dreading that it's something bad, just something unexpected? I dunno, that's how I felt today. I woke up an hour early (don't worry, I didn't actually get out of bed), and the whole day has just been as if I'm anticipating something. I half-expected to get a phone call or something. I have no idea. I guess it's only 5:30pm, something could still happen. I'll let you know.


Anonymous said...

can't say that i have ever had this feeling... maybe u're psychic... u should take that up as a side-project... reading tarot cards, performing sayances/seances (spelling?), and such...

by the way, i'm not gonna be a surgeon so i'm gonna hafta decline the offer to be a surgeon on your team to save the world... that is, unless u don't really care about the health of your team - in which case, i wholeheartedly accept!

- aziz

m_whiz said...

Come on, Aziz! If I can save the world, you can perform whatever surgeries you'd like! ;)