Monday, October 02, 2006

Interviews Baby!!

So after much agonizing of clicking the Send/Receive button of my Outlook Express about a gazillion times around noon, I finally got the emails that says I have 4 interviews for Toronto firms. But I was totally bummed out all day, 'cuz none was them was from Dept of Justice Toronto. This bummy haze continue, as we find out from subsequent emails that the system is finicky, so we might not have received all the emails we were suppose to be getting. I went to school to check, in hopes that there is a DOJ interview for me in there, but no, just the four firms I had got. Bummy, bummy, bummy 'til 6pm, when I got a call, area code (604).

THE COOLEST NEWS EVER: Department of Justice Vancouver granted me an interview!!!

So I'll be flying out there the weekend of Oct 14th. I'm so freakin' excited.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
