Sunday, August 29, 2004

lost kid

I was a Square One today, had lunch with a friend, and we were just hanging out in the mall for a bit. When we got to Wal-Mart, our last stop, we saw a little boy crying. Maternal instincts kicked in, and we quickly ascertained that the kid's lost his parents. We found the manager with the red vest, and she thanked us. Afterwards we saw the kid reunited with his parents.

Do you remember ever getting lost as a kid? It was freakin' frightening, huh? I still remember once just as my family moved into a new block, I took a wrong turn, and was scared as hell. I was probably only out of sight of my mom for all of 2 minutes, not even enough time for her to realize that I was gone, but I still remember that kinda cold dread. Plus, another time, I didn't get picked up after school for an extra hour, and a nice lady came up to comfort me while I was crying my eyes out (I was in grade two). But I still had the presence of mind to wonder whether she was evil. (Hey, I was a smart kid!)

I don't think we ever feel quite as intensely as we do as a kid anymore. Pity. Life would be more interesting with more raw emotions. Perhaps.


Anonymous said...

boy, you've been a busy blogger. i myself have slowed down with the blogging. whether due to laziness or bloggers block, i don't know.

my one constant fear as a kid was that my parents would die and then i wouldn't know what to do. i'd come up with all the different ways they could die, but the house burning down was the most frequent scenario. now i worry about their health. i was a born worrier, still am.

m_whiz said...

Just 'decompressing' online 'cuz my sister was away and I can't speak to my mom anymore since I'm going to hell for not going to church. (sigh) I've only been home for a week.

Death of parents? That's a scary thought still. I mean, they drive me crazy, but I'm not sure what I'd do without them.

Anonymous said...

i remember the sinking feeling i'd get whenever i'd get lost... one of my earliest memories of getting lost was in Superstore... we didn't have one in Yorkton when i was young (we got one in Yorkton when i was about 12 or 13) and i got separated from my mom... i remember that feeling of panic and that cold feeling u get when your stomach falls out of your body... luckily, my mom has a very distinctive cough and coughs very often so i found the sound of her cough and followed it back to her...

well said on the feeling intensely as a kid... very insightful...

- aziz

m_whiz said...

A distinctive cough that brings you home - that's really sweet, in a unconventional kinda way!