Monday, November 15, 2004

The Edge of Reason

Love, love, love this movie! It was so funny, and touching, and basically chicken soup for the single's soul. And COLIN FIRTH! [girlish squeal of glee!] I don't want to give anything away, 'cuz all of you should GO OUT AND SEE THIS MOVIE. Be warned though, there are some major artistic license taken that makes it different from the book. But the stuff that makes a good book are different from that which makes a good movie, imo. I'm up for seeing it again with anyone who's interested.

Where are all the Mark Darcys in real life?

Have anyone ever said something nice to you, but you wish that it came from someone else? Then you are left feeling like a totally bad person, 'cuz they are your friend, and they are being nice, and you are their friend, thus you should appreciate that they are doing something nice. Except you can't help wishing that it was someone else saying that to you.


walekim said...

Re: OT
Yes, I have felt that way before. The thoughts are usually accompanyed by the sad realization that ideals are usually not reality. By then, you cycle back to appreciate your friend more. Sort of like lowering your hopes to match reality, so that you are less likely to be disappointed next time.

Anonymous said...

i loved that movie too! she's so cute. she brings out the girly side in me.
