Monday, November 08, 2004

that paper

Remember that paper I was writing on hostage negotiation, like 6 months ago? Yeah, still writing it. (Indep study is the bane of all procrastinators) I've decided that I need the accountability to all of you by posting it here, and the possibility of public shame should I let you down, to be my last resort motivation. I MUST get that stupid thing done this week. The sad thing is, it isn't even any good. I really don't care about the topic anymore, though it was so cool back in May.

1 comment:

walekim said...

Shame on you!
and shame on me, for I am guilty of the procrastination too.

You started something, finish it!
Don't do a half-ass job, give it a little care.
After all, it's just 4 more days!