Thursday, November 04, 2004

The W: Part Two

I am definitely staying in school for another 3/4 years. Don't feel ready to fully participate in a world run by the dubya for another term. Is the "devil you know" etc. thing really true then? How can a country re-elect someone so many are against? Do we, as people, just like to complain, while being secretly complacent about whatever is going on as long as it doesn't interfer with our internet connection?


Anonymous said...

oh man, i've been ranting and raving like a madman the past couple of days about how upset i am about "dubya" being re-elected... why, oh why? i'll spare u the rant on your page... suffice it to say i'm disappointed that the U.S. is being run by a moron for the next 4 years... sigh...

- aziz (almost forgot to sign again but just remembered!)

walekim said...

People like to favour the ones who are alike.

This goes to show why they elected a moron.

Anonymous said...

never has a war-time president been voted out of office in the re-election year. that goes to show he's not as moronic as we think he is. or it's his team of people who are smart enough to cover for his moronic ways. funny how the osama tape just popped up a day before the votes were to be cast. did you hear about the website for americans who are petitioning for canadians to marry them so that they can get out of the country? it's hilarious.

m_whiz said...

how many of those created their own wars though?

DAVE BONES said...

Everything you say appears to be true. Either not enough care or everyone was sold on fear, the vast majority never got over loosing Communism as a huge looming enemy. This is the way an inward looking people know how to behave. I think it is inevitable that you will replace them, I only hope the process will not be too painful. If you want to write something about hostage negotiation for us do email. Keep blogging, this is great.