Wednesday, June 16, 2004

absolutely not-doing-work day

I decided to not work on any essays today, just to put the panic on tomorrow. I'm so disenchanted with my education lately. Well, I've never been very keen about it to start with, but now I really don't care. It's just draining me out. All I did was go to the library and photocopied the article I needed. Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.

One of my friends keep changing his MSN name to reflect the countdown of days 'til camp. Not that I'm not excited about the prospect of 3 square meals prepared for me again everyday, but in light of the 3 essays that must get done,and another one that needs to be started, it's freaking me out a little.

Still no T-Storms. Come on, Weather Man! Wield your power!

Order of the Phoenix
Finished re-reading it today. I've forgotten that 'he' dies... Still in a bit of denial.

Need a good book to keep me distracted so I won't remember that I hate flying on the way to Cold Lake. Any recommendations?


Anonymous said...

Your blog just brought up a funny memory for me. It was right after BOQ was finished, Aziz had come to pick me up, and we bumped into Ryan and his cronies. We struck up some idle chitchat and then Aziz, in his civilian ignorance, asks, "So, you're camp counsellors for the summer?" You should have seen their faces at being called camp counsellors even though that's what they are. It was comedy.

I started reading The satanic Verses today by Salman Rushdie. I wouldn't recommend you read it on a plane though. It starts off with an explosion of a passenger plane. Wait till you get back on solid ground.

I can't believe you still have so many essays to write. I'm sorta panicking for you. eek!

Anonymous said...

The above comment was from me by the way.

m_whiz said...

and your comments just reminded me of something that happened around the same time. Remember two weeks after BOQ, I got called to go on MOC? That crazy night when I was trying to write an essay, and you were putting a conclusion on it at 2am while I ironed my uniform? And then you had to go to all the classes for me, and handed in the essay on a floppy disk 'cuz it wouldn't print? I only went to 7 of the 12 classes in that course.

still got a 10 though. ;)

m_whiz said...

1. unemployment is not glamourous. nor sloth. Disguising sloth and unemployment as higher learning - now that's respectable

2. nothing gets worse, only our realistic assessments of the sum-total of our lives makes it seem so

3. which friendship have gone down the sink now?

4. what's a mojito?

5. yeah, what a dilemma, little spoilt brat