Wednesday, June 23, 2004

i've discovered

that I actually can't live without my notebook anymore. Really, I was physically shaking without it, for the three days that it was in repair. Not that it's fixed now - they say there's something wrong with the motherboard, so it'll take two weeks to be sent to hp to fix. I said I'll do it at another time, and promptly brought my baby home. Now it's back, and I don't have any excuse not to write my paper anymore.

new word
I learned a new word yesterday: plenipotentiary. It means "to have full powers". Cool, huh? I want to be plenipotentiary. heh!

West Wing
I got the Season 2 DVD's in celebration of finishing my war studies papers last week, and have watched the entire 22 episodes by now. It's amazing how you can find time to do things you really want to do.

career choices
Recently I did a questionnaire that's suppose to tell you what careers you are suitable for, according to you interests, skills, level of education, etc. Here are my top eleven ('cuz, well, I can't leave off the 11th one):

1. Office Manager
2. Casting Director
3. Judge
4. Director
5. Fundraiser
6. Foreign Service Officer
7. Hydrologist/hydrogeologist
8. Historian
9. Lobbyist
10. Communication Specialist
11. Professor

What do you think? Can you see me as any one of the above? Yeah, I know - people are suppose to decide this in high school.

Okay, okay - the paper is not going to write itself.


Anonymous said...

you put the 11th one on for me didn't you? I'm still calling you my professor friend until you make up your mind, but foreign service officer sounds cool too.

hey, do you watch alias? if you don't you should start. i once watched 3 seasons of it all at once and it took me 4 days straight.


m_whiz said...

I caught a couple episodes this season, and they weren't bad at all. A little melodramatic, but that's half the fun of TV shows, right?

Joshua Wong said...

So what would be the difference between "plenipotentiary" and "omnipotentiary"...?

m_whiz said...

maybe one is 'having full powers' whereas the second is 'having all powers'? I don't know if it's really any different