Friday, June 11, 2004

good thing there are the professors...

or a 22 year old's, interest, in a 13 year old wizard might be a little weird.

Another beautiful day, obviously the weather doesn't care if I ever get my papers done. I don't know what's wrong with me. On every level of my consciousness, I know that once I get these two papers done, I can be finished with this #(*&$ course once and for all. But there is just one little part of me that keeps pulling my fingers away from opening that Word document to work on it. Plus, it's hopelessly boring, and about as successful in finding itself a thesis as I am at finding a boyfriend.

Isn't it weird? 10 months ago, when I arrived in this city, I thought that my life was ruined, and I was determined to hate this place as much as possible, 'cuz it wasn't what I planned. But now with two weeks left, I find that I might miss this place. Everything from the endless renovations of the dismal mall across the street, to the city skyline silhouetted by its five jails. This is a quirky little city. It's like that one fridge magnet you keep around, even though it looks stupid. Yeah, I'm sure all the Kingstonians appreciate being compared to a fridge magnet.

Have you ever seen it? I caught two back to back episodes earlier in the week, and I'm hooked. Exactly what I need - another TV show to be committed to. (yes, I consider good programs "appointments" to be committed to)

Why does every election invariably disintegrate into name calling and the dum-dum-DUM of your opponents being EEEEVIL? What kinda deliberative democracy is this? And Canada is suppose to be one of the better ones. No wonder us intelligent, youthful types aren't interested. ;)

Movie Ads
The Stepford Wives come out today. I was really excited to see it, but with the amount of ads I've inhaled, I feel like I've seen it already. Same with Spiderman 2. Is Mystic River worth renting?

1. I've changed the option on this Blog so that anyone can post without registering. If it doesn't work, let me know and I'll fiddle some more.

2. Wow, and I was worried that I won't have anything to write about.

p.s. if I'm good and keep this journal up, do I get a non-messed up boyfriend a la Bridget Jones?


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the blogging world! It's too bad we're not on the same blog sites or I could have subscribed to you. I'm blogging on Xanga and here's my site:
The shitty thing is, you can't comment unless you're also signed up on Xanga, which is too bad cuz I live for comments. My entries are usually self-absorbed ramblings, which allow your brain to take a break from thesis papers and the like. No heavy social commentary or deep intellectual debates. Nope, just mindless, innocuous, nonsensical thoughts that trickle out of my head.

So are you done for good in 2 weeks and looking forward to graduation or just taking a summer break? Remember, you're still my professor friend and the more letters behind your name, the more impressed I will be. Let me know when you're back.


m_whiz said...

1. no, handicap (disabled?) stalls and parking are different because of proximity. Disabled parking spots are closer to the mall, and you can't park there even for one minute, because no one knows that you are going there for so short a time, so you'll get fined anyway. Handicapped stalls can be monitored because people are just waiting outside, and if you emerge after 5 minutes, and someone in a wheelchair is waiting, they will curse your functional legs. Though it is true that both stall and spot are supersized.

2. does Stitches even make bags? To learn to invest and spend selectively is good. Lack of money can generate creativity, which could be exciting as well. maybe. Given the choice though, go with the money.

3. How is the population of Fergus? Probably around the same as a mall? So working at retail in a mall would feel at home with Fergusians.

Hi! I must say this bloggin' thing is fun, much like in a skinny-dipping exhibitionist kinda way. I'm spending the summer in Alberta for camp, and then returning to write my thesis next year. Then, we shall see if I can dupe anyone else to take me on to continue on schooling. You know I live to impress you ;)