Monday, June 21, 2004

sure, a little girl...

perched on her father like a baby koala bear is cute, but you know what's cuter? The 10-timbit box from Tim Horton's. Really. I ordered a chocolate strawberry tart from the drive-thru, and they give it to me in a timbits box. Except I'm so used to seeing the 20-timbit sized one, that this one appeared exceptionally cute. (I keep wanting to type 'tidbit' instead)

father's day
Called my dad yesterday, and it was good to talk to him. Although, ran out of things to say pretty quickly too. Can't help feeling a twinge of jealousy at all the happy kids going around town with their dad's

notebook trouble
Sorry for the lack of individual reponses and infrequent updates for the next couple days. My notebook is being fixed 'cuz it refuses to charge its battery, and my travel orders to Cold Lake says that it must be fully charged to be inspected before boarding the plane.

Spent a couple hours packing yesterday, just clothes going with me. It was so much easier as a cadet, 'cuz they are only allowed to wear their uniform all summer, so nothing else to pack. Now I have to pack all my summer clothes too - I'm not sure how I'm going to even wheel my suitcase around.

So my prof asked me to drop off a hardcopy of my paper at some random store downtown, 'cuz he's out of the country. Kinda sketchy, I thought. Turns out that he lives in the apartment right above it, and the store collects his mail for him 'cuz he doesn't have a mailbox. It's was a jewelery/assessory shop. Weird.

So some reason, couldn't sleep at all last night. Finally dozed off at around 6am, and slept for about 6 hours. My day is screwed up already, might as well surrender.


Anonymous said...

at least you talk to your father. at my house we don't even acknowledge father's day.

on a camp note: pack lots of toilet paper and you'll be the cool kid of the summer. at least that's the impression I got from the toilet paper commercial. i was raised by tv, if you couldn't tell from my previous comments. Have fun at camp and don't pack any bombs.

m_whiz said...

that sucks

yeah - I want to be the cool kid! Toilet paper it is then!