Monday, June 14, 2004

psychoanalysis this!

Today is the US "Flag Day". Last year, at this time, I was in Boca Raton with my family, checking out Florida Atlantic U. This has been the longest year, and at the same time, not really. I leave for Alberta in 13 days. As exciting as that seem, that means I have to finish another 3 papers before that. Ugh.

I had a dream about looking for dominic in my grandma's backyard. Except I started looking for feline-looking rabbits instead. And then I realize that I should looking for cat proper. And then I was a little kid fishing with my family at a beach. They told me that I won't be able to cast my fishing rod that far (being really far back from the water), but I kept trying anyway. After many attempts, I still couldn't throw far enough, though I did throw a lot farther than anyone expected. So then I went right up to the shoreline, and pulled an earthworm out of the sand. I was complimented on using live bait by someone about my (real, not dream-child) age. I waded into the water, and saw that it was really shallow, so that even had I been able to throw my line that far, it would have been useless. The water was really clear too, and I wandered further into a cave-like thing (it looks like those cave things that your amusement ride boats take you through before the final plunge, or, you know, like the Rainforest Cafe). I kept wading, and started seening orange goldfish darting around, avoiding all the fishing lines like pedestrians in rush hour traffic. I scooped a particularly round goldfish into my palm and placed it in a cup, trying to tell my mom that she can't use ice water in the cup because the water I was wading in is really warm, and the fish would die in colder water. There wasn't enough water in the cup, so I ended up putting the container in the water around me and cupping my hands to prevent the fish from escaping. And then there were two fish. I kept the smaller one, and my sister took the larger one. But she wasn't giving it enough water, so it's starting to turn belly up. I rescued her fish...

And that's all I remember. Pretty interesting, especially if you put it in context of my real, non-dream, dysfunctional family. Heh, have fun with that one.

Dear Weather Channel,

You owe me a thunderstorm, as promised last night. Yes, there is a huge difference between cloudless sky with limitless ceiling, sunshine and 60% humidity, and "Chance T-Storms".

still no sign...


Anonymous said...

nice dream! writing love notes w/menacing undertones to the Weather Channel now? heh!

okay... you've got about 4 days per paper... plenty of time, right?!

loads of luck,

m_whiz said...

and it worked! No T-storm, but at least some rain here last night. Who knew that I was a little 'rain king'?

Thanks - I'll need all the luck I can get.

Anonymous said...

...the little rain queen that could...

Anonymous said...

Dude, you didn't tell me your family lost Dominic. I'm gonna really miss the little dude (even if he was fat and kind of different than other boys, no?)

And, Babe, just for the record--you're a fabu person. Just remember: if it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger, or it drives you to murder someone else:)

m_whiz said...

I'm definitely leaning towards the homicidal tendency. I miss the fat cat too, even though he's mainly good for napping with.

m_whiz said...

it was a *dream*, dear sister. Why do you have to shield your albino laptop? it is so unfair that you get to do nothing, while I slave away on papers that I don't care about. Bartending is cool, but why the M license? Just because you are 'forbidden' to? Come visit me!